

近日,迪拜市政厅厅长Hussain Nasser Lootah宣布:“具有象征意义的“迪拜门”将在下个月开始建造,于2015年中下旬竣工。这个阿联酋下一个伟大的地标建筑每年将吸引来自世界各地的200万游客。”“迪拜门”高度将达150,宽度93米,建筑犹如一个巨大的相框。透过它,不仅能...


近日,迪拜市政厅厅长Hussain Nasser Lootah宣布:“具有象征意义的“迪拜门”将在下个月开始建造,于2015年中下旬竣工。这个阿联酋下一个伟大的地标建筑每年将吸引来自世界各地的200万游客。”

“迪拜门”高度将达150,宽度93米,建筑犹如一个巨大的相框。透过它,不仅能看到迪拜的地标建筑哈利法塔,也能看到迪拜老城区,如Deira, Umm Harair and Karama。“迪拜门”的底部将是一座博物馆,向游客们介绍关于迪拜城市的发展历史。


据了解,迪拜2008年就开始公开向全世界各地征集建筑的设计的理念,共有来自106个国家的2967个设计作品。经过13个月的激烈竞选,荷兰建筑师Fernando Donis最终以 “迪拜门”的设计理念获胜。

Construction work on the iconic Dubai Framewill start next month and is expected to be ready by the second half of 2015,according to Hussain Nasser Lootah, director general of DubaiMunicipality.

And it is hoped the Emirate's next great landmarkwill attract up to 2mvisitors-a-year. The 150mhigh, 93m wide structure,is being built to resemble a huge picture frame, through which landmarksrepresenting modern Dubai like EmiratesTowersand Burj Khalifa can be seen on one side, while on the other older parts of thecity like Deira, Umm Harair and Karama can be viewed.

At the base of the frame will be a museum telling thestory of the city's development.

Lootah said: “We have already opened tenders andwill be giving the contract to the appropriate contractors, according to ourplan. We are looking forward to a unique architectural landmark that matchesthe global status of Dubai.

“We expect it will be a bridge between the past andfuture of Dubai and may become a name attachedto Dubai likeBurj Khalifa and Burj Al Arab.

“It was after deep study and extensive consultationthat the construction was decided near the Star Gate of Zabeel Park, which is afamous point for visitors and tourists,” he said.

The idea for the design emerged from a worldwidearchitecture competition that began in 2008 and ran for 13 months. The frameconcept by Dutch practice Donis emerged as the winner from more than 2,967submissions by designers from 106 countries.

