
伊朗德黑兰太阳城国际展览中心Shahre Aftab一期工程竣工

第29届伊朗德黑兰国际书展在新建德黑兰会展中心——Shahre Aftab开幕,伊朗总统鲁哈尼和德黑兰市长卡利巴夫出席了书展开幕仪式,同时宣布了这座由gmp冯格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所设计的会展中心正式落成启用。新会展中心位于伊朗首都德黑兰市区南部,距...

伊朗德黑兰太阳城国际展览中心Shahre Aftab一期工程竣工

   第29届伊朗德黑兰国际书展在新建德黑兰会展中心——Shahre Aftab开幕,伊朗总统鲁哈尼和德黑兰市长卡利巴夫出席了书展开幕仪式,同时宣布了这座由gmp·冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所设计的会展中心正式落成启用。新会展中心位于伊朗首都德黑兰市区南部,距市中心约10公里,位于前往德黑兰国际机场的中途,项目建成的同时,连接会展中心的城市轨道交通也已开通。







  竞赛阶段设计团队:Siamak Rashidi, Burkard Pick, Swantje Grasmann, Susan Türke,Patrick Hoffmann, Tobias Schaer,

  Alberto Flores

  实施阶段设计团队:Fariborz Rahimi-Nedjat, Nima Ghahreman

  合作设计单位:NJP- Naghshe Jahan Pars



Shahre Aftab International Exhibtion Center(EXHIBIRAN INTERNATIONAL

EXHIBIRAN INTERNATIONAL is the brand name for Shahr-e Aftab Complex, the greatest exhibition project in Iran, which seeks the establishment of the Iranian World Trade Center and is operationalized in different phases. Because of the heavy traffic disruption created on the roads around the urban exhibition centers and in order to collect all the fair services in a modern professional environment, the city administration decided to prepare the construction plan of Shahr-e-Aftab complex. After the primary studies, the project area, a highly accessible (taxi, bus, van, subway) 280-hectare piece of land next to Khalij-e-Fars Highway, was selected and the design of the exhibition structures was produced.

In the initial phase, these areas have been launched and they will be developed in the next phases.

1. The permanent roofed exhibition constructions including 3 halls with a total area of 25,ooo square meters.
2. The temporary exhibition places (frame-tents) with a total area of approximate 28,000 square meters which will be replaced by permanent constructions in the next phases.
3. The Nations Hall for the entrance, the exhibition management and commercial offices with a total area of approximate 7500 square meters.
4. The administrative space with a total area of 34,000 square meters on the second floor.
5. The subsidiary service places (restaurant, coffee shop, stores) each with a total area of 2,000 square meters.

In the next phases of the project, the further constructions have been planned :

1. An area of 34,000 square meters for offices.
2. An area of 32,000 square meters for auditoriums.
3. Two international trade centers with company offices, stores, and their parking lots each with an area of 75,000 square meters.
4. Two 5 stars hotels and an apartment hotel with a total area of 160,000 square meters.
5. Service and welfare areas consisting of 8 subsidiary buildings each with an area of 2,000 square meters.
6. The great mosque of the area.
7. Multilevel car parking with the capacity of 7500 cars.

The presently available services in the area:

1. Financial Services :
Bank Shahr operational branch - 8 automatic city bank service offices - 40 ATMs and a number of cashless service machines.
2. Parking Lots : Several parking lots of the exhibition area along with the extra parking lots in Imam Khomeini Holy shrine with the total capacity of 11,000 cars,
300 vans and taxis, and 150 buses at the same time.
3. Grounds : At present, Shahr-e-Aftab Complex has provided 40 hectares of grounds which is a pleasant and peaceful environment for the visitors.
At the moment, the complex has the capacity for 400,000 visitors per day,
4. Access roads : Access roads to the complex are:
Three highways : Khalij-e-Fars, Shahid Tondgooyan and Shahid Mahallaty Highways and also subway lines 1 and 3. Taxis and buses in different lines take visitors to the complex from various squares in the city.

